9/11 anniversary, how does that make you feel?

Just a quick question, seeing what days it is and all. Personally, I don't really care about it so it feels like a normal day to me. Anyone else?


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Yeah It Was A Tough Day For Us Americans And Yup It Was A Tragic Day In U.S. History #NeverForget


Well I was only 11 when it happened but it makes me feel sad for those who lost loved ones and lives that day.


It does feel like a normal day to me too. I guess it's because I wasn't personally affected by it but I still feel bad for the other people who were.


I remember the day and the emotions and the fear very clearly. I remember the horror and the sadness. I know people who were there. It is not a normal day to me and I'm sure not normal for very many others.


I just noticed the date. I'm wondering when the mental beardy people are going to commit their next atrocity.