I burnt him by mistake an hes about 4 months old so hes still fragel. Anyways i got burn cream for him cause the vet is a arm an leg. Anyways i had his light off for 3 days now so he heals. Im looking for a new tank for him asap but how long can he live with the light off? I want him too heal before i turn it back on. What should i do?
Firstly leaving the ig without heat for a few days is going to do more harm than good as he will be unable to properly maintain the necessary body temperature he needs to stay healthy. You also want to be very cAREFU;L USING HUMAN creams on reptiles as many things that are harmless to humans are dangerous to reptiles. Id be checking whether that particular burn cream is safe for use on reptiles before susing it. Depending on the severity of the burn you may habe to cough up for a vet visit if the wound doesnt improve in a few days, moght cost money but thats all part of responsible animal ownership - yahoo answers is no substitute for a vet, as we are not qualified vets, and cannot examine an animal over the internet, so all we can do is take wild guesses that could be right or wrong
I honestly don't see what harm it can do to keep his lights on a normal cycle, instead of having it off. As long as he can't touch it, he can't get burned, and plus without heat he can't properly digest any food. First, clean the wound with a gentle antiseptic like diluted betadine and apply something like neosporin, the wound should heal within the next few weeks. If it does get infected or start swelling up & the swelling does not go down in a few days, than you will have to see a vet.