Is Paquiao a complete fighter with out steroids?

Shelli Kalamali2015-09-13T19:36:42Z

Freddie Roach did mention that Pacquiao was given unidentified drinks from Alex Ariza during the time he was knocking people out. But if his power was because of the steroids/PED's yes, since he's not only relying on this but his boxing skills too.

♛Big Daddy King III♛2015-09-15T09:05:47Z

He was never on PED's, even after Gayweather was caught using an illegal IV before the fight you brain dead Flomos still say that Pacquiao was on PED's (even though you have no proof.)


Look at pac man do you really think he took steroids.


Go back to sleep and keep dreaming of your idol Floyd. You're hallucinating again.


There's no proof he took steroids

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