Why do you not like Donald Trump? (Read description)?

I am asking why you and so many people don't like Donald Trump. Don't just say "he is stupid" or "he is out of touch" and something like that. Tell me why he is stupid or out of touch. What political/social/economic views does he possess that you personally disagree with?

(This is not meant to bash Republicans or start an internet feud. It is simply a question)


Personally? His sexist overtones and stance against equal rights are a step in the wrong direction.

His stance on climate change is not surprising but goes against pretty much everything science has been able to turn up.

He believes in eliminating corporate taxes when they already don't pay their fair share.

He wants to cut education (Though I agree with him on common core)

He believes oil is the future for energy.

He believes we need to spend more on the military despite already spending quite a lot compared to any other country.

He seriously thinks a border wall is a good idea.

From what I've seen he seems to believe we should rely more on charity than a sensible infrastructure to deal with job loss and the high cost of raising a child for low income families.

There are a few things I agree with him on, but there's other candidates that agree with WAY more on.


Did you ever see the episode of "Community" where Jeff Winger decides to make a mockery of the student elections by having no other platform beyond "America is great, if you oppose me that means you hate America"? And somehow it works?

That is precisely what Trump's campaign feels like to me. There's very little substance beyond his hat, and he spends too much time taking childish shots at his opponents and then brushing it off as "hey, I'm an entertainer, that's what I do". I can't possibly take this guy seriously as the leader of this country until he grows up.


He has done absolutely nothing but insult and degrade others since he started. It has been 3 months since he has entered the race, and we still barely know anything about his policies. Those few ideas he has managed to flesh out are not based in reality or rational thought. I mean, how the hell is he going to get mexico to pay for a wall? Betray our fellow nafta member? Slam tariffs on our third largest trade partner and oil supplier? How do you think that is going to go down with the rest of the world?


It's not just his views, it's his personality and his attitude. He is an egotistical blowhard who would gleefully tick off Congress and our allies so much they would not cooperate with him on anything. And he doesn't even recognize that need for cooperation, since he evidently believes in the "Green Lantern" of politics: that you can change reality by simply willing things into existence.


He is childish and racist and misogynist and has a narcissistic personality. He knows nothing about domestic policy or foreign policy.

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