Can someone help me straighten this out?

I have been told that although god will always punish you for enjoying yourself, he does not punish you as severely for laughing when someone falls and breaks something as he would if you were just laughing because something is funny.

My question is, if we all either go to hell or to heaven for all eternity, In what way are we punished or rewarded for those specific acts? Is hell less hellish because I pleased god by laughing when the little old lady fell off her walker in front of the bus? Is heaven less joyful because my girlfriend kissed me and I enjoyed it?

It seems like eternal reward or punishment removes any reason to worry about the details.


God sent she bears to murder children for laughing. Can you name a case where people laughed and got away with it?

Dave D2015-09-15T09:29:23Z

Your concepts of God, sin, heaven and hell, as well as basic human concern for others are all warped. Christ gave us 2 commands... to love God and to love your fellow man. "Sin" therefore is a failure to love. Your example of laughing at an old lady who fell in front of a bus states quite clearly that right now you are incapable of caring about others and thus incapable of love. At this point in your life with the attitude you presently have towards others "heaven" may be closed to you.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992016-02-26T19:32:36Z

I'm an atheist and I get away with laughing at religiots all day.

G C2015-09-15T09:23:49Z

God commands we never take delight in the suffering of another.