Did you here about this bishop in Syracuse?

According to the transcript of a deposition he made in 2011, when asked if a child who had been molested by a priest is guilty of a sin, his response was "“The boy is culpable,”

Now he is trying to backtrack and claim he was misunderstood.

How can we doubt the evil of christianity?







Favorite Answer

There once was a bishop in Syracuse
who was caught with a child in a noose.
when asked what he did
He said "Hey, it's only a kid!"
"It was easier than f**king a moose".

Yes, I know it's bad, but, it's the first thing that came to mind, and I am still on my first cup of coffee.


Many preachers put their foot in their mouth like that, then deny it later.
Dishonesty comes honestly to a preacher.
I have not doubted the evil of all religion since I observed, and experienced same.

Oleg, the behavior of it's followers IS the evil of christianity. Christianity has always been destructive to humanity,. Why not help stop that destruction Oleg, instead of trying to cover it all up?


He wasn't misunderstood. I was within six feet of him when he said that and I clearly heard every word. He's a cancer that needs to be removed.


I never doubted the evil of christianity. There are a lot of people in denial.

Freethinking Liberal2015-09-16T05:30:32Z

This is typical of perverted thinking.