What does it mean to "look British"?

Last year a British ex-pat was standing in line in an ice-cream store. He wasn't wearing anything that could identify him as British. And before he spoke a word, an American said to him, "You look so British!"

If you are British, has anyone ever said this to you?
What does it mean to "look British"?

(You Tube, Lost in the Pond: Brit: 5 Surprising Things Americans Have Said To Me)


Favorite Answer

I'm guessing it's more body language (and clothing) than actual physical features. Quite often, I'll see someone and think "oh he/she looks Australian" and lo and behold that person IS Australian! (I've narrowed it down in that respect to the "Aussie Sneer" - Australians often in repose kind of smile with only one-half of their mouth.) I've never heard that about British people before, but for all I know, maybe someone else picks up on something like that.


I am British, and I've never heard of that before. xD