Who or what will carry out the attack against “Babylon the Great”?

A “wild beast” with “ten horns.” The book of Revelation indicates that this wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). The ten horns represent all present political powers that support this “scarlet-colored wild beast.” (Rev. 17:3, 5, 11, 12) How devastating will the attack be? The nations of the UN will plunder the prostitute’s wealth, devour her, and “completely burn her.”—Read Revelation 17:16.
What is God's prophecy about here?


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First, the kings of the earth the political part of Satan’s organization will turn on the supporters of Babylon the Great the religious part and will destroy them. (Revelation 17:1, 15-18)

Thus, in a stunning plot twist, Satan’s kingdom will become divided against itself, with one part attacking the other, and Satan will be powerless to prevent it. (Matthew 12:25, 26)

Jehovah will put it into the hearts of the kings of the earth to carry out his thought, namely, to rid the earth of his religious adversaries.

False religion, however, will not just fade away.

The harlot will remain a potent force, attempting to bend kings to her will until God plants an idea in the hearts of those in power. Soon Jehovah will cause the political elements of Satan’s system, as represented by the United Nations, to attack false religion.

They will destroy her influence and devastate her riches. Such an event may have seemed unlikely just decades ago.

Today, the harlot teeters on the back of the scarlet-colored beast. Even so, she will not slip slowly from her seat. Her tumble will be sudden and violent.


God will put it into the hearts of The 8th King, the UN, that stood up from the 7th world power to do away with religion. It will be swift and will lead into the great tribulation and Armageddon. Armageddon will do away with this system of governments. Whatever group has obeyed Christ and a few others will be saved and will live through that battle which will end wickedness and take us into a new world order under God's kingdom. Dan 2:44 Rev 21:3,4 1Cor 15:19-26


Before declaring something to be "supernatural", it is usually a good idea to investigate all natural possibilities.

For example: germs or multi-celled parasites or chemical imbalances can cause diseases in the brain, and these were once widely believed to be symptoms of "demonic possession".

Have you investigated what sort of psychotropic yeast, molds, mushrooms and so on were common to the island of Patmos when John was sitting there writing all that?

Also: Since Revelation CLAIMS that 1/3 of the stars WILL BE knocked from the sky, and are small enough to land on the Earth, with room left over for other rocking-socking ADVENTURES, a lot of that book MUST be regarded as either allegory, metaphor, or Bull'S hit.


Ask yourself.."was this verbal vomit written by superstitious people or non-superstitious people", keeping in mind that the non-superstitious don't believe in the supernatural.


Babylon the Great represents false world religions- all of them. The 7 so-called "great empires" of the past (Rome, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and finally now, the empire of the anti-Christ) seduce like a whore both the famous and their followers into the false religions created by false "prophets". False religion started with Babylon, which is synonymous with all other world religions over time. Just ask yourself what was Babel? It was a man-made tower of people striving to reach God under their own efforts, thinking God would be impressed by them with such words as, "I can do it myself", "I can impress God", "I can save myself", "I can show God how good, how serious I am". Rather than accepting the free gift of salvation by God Himself, people rejected God and decided they knew better how to save themselves- through world religions.

Good works (see Titus) are condemned as works of self-righteousness which includes all false religions. It is God Who did it all for us through salvation through His Son, God in Jesus Christ. God has never been impressed by false religions efforts to reach Him through personal efforts. God destroyed such futile abilities at the tower of Babel for them to communicate with each other, destroying their ability to continue trying to build themselves up to Him. Yet over the many centuries man have tried surpassing God, ignoring His salvation, and have made up their minds to be saved without God in charge of it all.

The 10 horns are 10 military leaders who will do the will of the anti-Christ. But evil eats and destroys itself. And it is GOD Whose Will triumphs when the beast and his military destroy all false world religions (verse 17). Once world religions have been destroyed at the hands of those who built them up in the first place, the stage is set for the obituary of all false world religions in chapter 18. Just read the list of the trappings of false religions- the materials used for building temples and mosques and fake churches. And read the trades that were supported by false world religions- trading, buying spices and incense, the luxury of false prophets.

The Christians who were martyred by false religions for being true followers of Christ are told to rejoice- those who killed the innocent followers of Christ have met their end. 18:13 speaks of the cost of trading in false religions- the human souls of many were lost to these false religions.

And chapter 19 heralds in the One True Savior- God in Jesus Christ.

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