Magnetic therapy for horse arthritis?

Cold weather is coming and my horse suffers from mild - moderate arthritis in his hocks and sometimes stifle I suspect, during the coldest weather.

I am very conscientious about caring for him correctly during cold weather (supplements, turnout, lengthy warmups, liniment rubs etc etc)

Specifically, I want to know if you've had or are having great luck with magnetic therapy for arthritis?

If so, specifically which brands and items are you using? I see Back On Track items, but they look expensive and I think the old-school ranch cowboys at my barn will giggle at me with magnetic wraps...
I'm willing to suffer that if they really do work well.


Favorite Answer

Magnets indeed work. They extract stuff (usually green stuff) that is causing bloat in your pockets and transfer it to the pockets of the magnet merchants.

Judy and the Beast2015-09-30T14:14:16Z

I've not seen the magnets work but the ceramic in the back on track products do seem to work for my horse.