Why do atheists fake ignirance or shy away from veridical nde's and leak in Darien nde's that point compellingly to an afterlife .?


Szenah, that is really a dumb argument et against ndes . Just because some people experience different realms then others that means that the experience isn't real?

This is typical of why I have always believed that atheism is a mental disorder . Veridical ndes and peak in Darien ndes are powerful evidences for both the soul and the afterlife . So powerful that even intellectual atheists like john beloff believe that the soul and afterlife are proven .


Szenah, but if your uncomfortable because you can't give an intellectual refutation of ndes then why not leave them alone . This way you can feel comfortable with your emotionally dogmatic cult of atheism . Why not be honest and I can respect that . And anyone that calls atheists regarded will get me angry . They are not retarded, they are special ;)


Favorite Answer

Because atheists usually are in denial over anything that will bring them closer to God because they have an emotional problem with God . Thye claim that they love science , reason and rationality but when it goes against their worldview they deny or run away from it. You can see it in their refusal to refute the evidences from nde's towards the soul and afterlife which most Nde researchers know is very compelling .

Almost all atheist Nde researchers end up converting away from atheism after their Nde research shows them how silly atheism is .
Examples are doctor pin van lommel , doctor Jeffrey long and doctor penny sartori.

Atheism seems more like an emotional/mental disorder then a legitimate worldview built on science and reason.

The reason why atheists won't follow the preponderance of Nde evidence is that Nde they find out that ndes aren't hallucinations but real experiences , they will next have to study someone like doctor Jeffrey long's cross cultural and global Nde research and his 9 commonalities amongst most Nde experiences from all cultures and beliefs and see that one of the commonalities is that they see either an orb of light or a being of light and instantly information flows into them and they recognize this light as the creator of all reality , and they also feel a love emanating from this light that far surpasses any love they could ever feel on this earth.

What does the bible say about God ?
That he is light and love and in him can be no darkness.

Atheists are little emotionally under developed children and atheism is a pure religious cult . This is why atheists have to call themselves rational, but notice that no one else does lol.

Jereme K2015-10-09T23:09:01Z

We don't. Veridical NDEs prove that the person could hear what was being said, even if it was just subconsciously. Peak in Darien NDEs are simply stories that you nor I can verify, just like those who can't explain ghost, monster, alien, and other strange stories.

How do you know they point to an afterlife and not another dimension? What about reincarnation? Do you believe in that? Why not?

Sarcasm starting in 3, 2...
Veridical NDEs and Peak in Darien NDEs compellingly point to it.... Ghost stories are real, I guess that means Veridical NDEs and Peak in Darien NDEs point to the compelling evidence that we become ghosts after we die. The balls of light are really ghostly orbs!


Veridical Nde


If NDEs were consistent in their imagery it might be easier to believe that they were real. However, there's nothing consistent about them.

Controlled experiments in which something is left on top of an operating room cabinet to see if anyone describes seeing it later have produced no results. All we have is anecdotal evidence from people who found what they had decided to find.

You might want to ask why people are so desperate to believe in an afterlife that they'll accept the flimsiest evidence.

james o2015-10-01T09:56:59Z

ndes only hint to an afterlife. it could be just a momentary gateway to oblivion.

We do not know that there is a God. Assuming there is a God, we do not know this means a life after death.

Try to remember that the Old Testament has no reported belief in a life after death. But don't take my word for it! Read the OT for yourself and you'll soon realize they did not believe in a life after death.

ndes don't prove anything. You just want them to prove what you want them to prove, but that doesn't make them compelling, as you so quaintly put it.

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