AT&T or Apple wireless employees would like your insight into my recent phone buying experience.?

Went to the Apple Store with the intention on buying a 64GB iPhone. The apple employee insisted that I lease my new phone at the cost of a extra 25 dollars a month.

Then I went to the AT&T store and they insisted on a lease. Even though they said that lease isn't a accurate word as the phone belongs to me (although I have to give it back at the end of the contract?!)

The AT&T employees them lamented and allowed me to pay $300 up front with no increase in my bill at what I was paying before.

Although they once again tried to get me out of unlimited data. As my usage is way high that's a non starter.

Here are the questions
1.What incentive are these salesmen getting to push people in a complex leasing scheme?

2. What incentive do they get from trying to convince me to get out of unlimited data?


The lease option is that you can always get the latest phone, never owning it unless at the end of the lease you pay a balloon payment that is over and above the 24 monthly payments that you have made. So without the balloon payment, your turn in the phone at any time during the lease and walk away without a phone or you can turn it in and get the next gen iPhone.

Basically a way to get people that can't pay up front to stay and keep getting new phones. Almost like one of those rent to own stores, just you never own, unless you pay for it at the end of the lease, but why would you and be stuck with the older phone?


Never believe a salesman on anything because they get cutbacks based on what they sell, their only interest is what pays them the most. As far as what plan, just get whatever you like best or what fits you best. I think the apple lease plan means you always get the newest iphone also everytime one is released, which is a good deal. I prefer just doing 2 year contracts then I trade it in and upgrade on a new contract again, as that means its basically free if in good condition on trade in (or I sell it).

