AT&T or Apple wireless employees would like your insight into my recent phone buying experience.?
Went to the Apple Store with the intention on buying a 64GB iPhone. The apple employee insisted that I lease my new phone at the cost of a extra 25 dollars a month.
Then I went to the AT&T store and they insisted on a lease. Even though they said that lease isn't a accurate word as the phone belongs to me (although I have to give it back at the end of the contract?!)
The AT&T employees them lamented and allowed me to pay $300 up front with no increase in my bill at what I was paying before.
Although they once again tried to get me out of unlimited data. As my usage is way high that's a non starter.
Here are the questions
1.What incentive are these salesmen getting to push people in a complex leasing scheme?
2. What incentive do they get from trying to convince me to get out of unlimited data?