Why are people so uptight on yahoo answers?


Favorite Answer

some people have issues here.


Trust many aren't..they just are living their lives,in it's detail just like you and everyone tries to do..you do not know their details,or what they go through..they are not you..and,perhaps..what they are experiencing in life,just is not as easy as it is for you..ever stop to understand this fact ?..perhaps,not..like far to many..they think it's only about themselves..what they think..no more,no less..sad..this is..because,nothing could be..further,from the truth..flip side..another truth..far to many come here lately,to insult and bring others down,low class things endless,the disrespect towards others is out of control,and that is not what Yahoo Answers is suppose to be,about.~*


Im tight


I think you just missed the english shift. Youre on american time now.