Who was this man called Winston Churchill?


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Winston Churchill was one of the great world leaders of the 20th century. He was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2. His leadership helped Britain to stand strong against Hitler and the Germans, even when they were the last country left fighting. He is also famous for his inspiring speeches and quotes.


My father was old when he married my Mother. He often spoke of the man. He knew him well and they were close aquainces and wrote back and forth
Churchill’s Call to Action In his victory speech presented to the British people on May 13, 1945, at the conclusion of World War II in E.urope, Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated: “I wish I could tell you to-night that all our toils and troubles were over. . . . I must warn you . . . that there is still a lot to do, and that you must be prepared for further efforts of mind and body and further sacrifices to great causes.” With farsightedness, anticipating the spread of Communism, he said: “On the continent of Europe we have yet to make sure that . . . the words ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, and ‘liberation’ are not distorted from their true meaning as we have understood them.” Then he uttered a challenging call: “Forward, unflinching, unswerving, indomitable, till the whole task is done and the whole world is safe and clean.”—Italics ours.