What should I do when my boss is too bossy?

I work in a place where all the workers are scared of their boss because he acts too smart. He didn't do any work. But, if someone was arguing with him he kept quite. He didn't want to punish that person right away. Later on. when he got his chance he took revenge against that person differently. For example, he will manipulate that person. One day, he said to me, he uses different technique to control a person. I want to know what kinds of technique is he using?


It depends. Is he a pushy person? Does he yell? Is he blackmailing people's emotions? Does he create wars between workers? Is he acting childish? If you answered yes to any of the questions then find another job and once you secure it quit as (ashleee) suggested. However, if he is just smart and knows how to manage people properly then he might be a good leader or at least knows some management skills. He seems to share them with you which means he has a favoring of you. This is great. Tell him you want him to be your mentor and that you want to learn management skills. This way you learn how to manage people and at the same time he will grow found of you. Hitting two birds with one stone.

Jackie M2015-10-25T08:22:08Z

Play his game and confuse him, smile at him and make out as though he is the best boss in the world, that will annoy him so much he wont know what to do - he sounds like a real dick head


Un-boss him


Find another job then quit