Which would be a bigger travesty, John Cena tying ric flairs title reigns or Cena tying stone colds rumble wins?

To me it would be bad if either happened, but worse if he tied Austins rumble wins because I grew up watching and idilizing Austin


The bigger travesty would obviously be ric flair's title reigns. Cena breaking stone colds record wouldn't be a travesty, but surely would be awful

Shadow Spinner2015-10-25T20:31:00Z

Ric flair record



I'll be elated if he retires from WWE before equalling/breaking such records.

Cena can't wrestle, has kiddie-like Charisma, boring and simple moves, and suppppeeerrr overrated.
He should retire.

18 gibbs 202015-10-26T07:06:06Z

Records were made to be broken. Neither qualifies as a travesty.


The biggest travesty is if I had to see him on Raw again.

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