When will El Nino arrive in southern california?

The news said it will bring strong storms later this year. Is there an exact date or estimated time of arrive?


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Never is when El Nino will arrive in southern California [sic].
El Nino doesn't 'arrive' anywhere nor does El Nino 'hit' anywhere.

El Nino is the name given to the phenomenon of sea surface temperature anomalies ... weakening of the trade winds ... and reduced out-going long wave radiation over the tropical Pacific ocean. El Nino conditions have been observed since the beginning of 2015.

If the question is when will the effects of current El Nino episode be felt in SOCAL ... the answer would be late fall continuing throughout the winter.


El Nino may have already contributed the record rainfall in Southern California over the summer and during late spring.


The effect may enhance the usual rainy season, which tends to start in January.


Tues. after next.