Can I go to a watermark wearing a pad?

I'm 14 and we're going to a water park. I'm not allowed to wear tampons or diva cups because my mom has never had a day of sex Ed in her life. What do I do?


Yes. You Can. Just put on a pad and a black bathing suit. (Don't wear white) and go and have fun. I have been swimming with pads for 40 years without incident. No worries here, you should be fine.


You can go to the water park, but you can't go in the water.

Think about it...if the pad is full of water it can't absorb blood, the blood will not flow down into the pad but instead flow into the water, the pad will get bulky so show under your swimsuit, the pad will come unstuck.


yes you can go to the water park wearing a pad, you just can not go in the water. if you wear a pad in the water it will instantly soak through like a diaper and begin to fall apart.
you do not need your mother's permission to use tampons