Physics: Circuitry question?

So confused. Why is power quartered and not halved?

Mr. Un-couth2015-11-17T19:11:05Z

Assuming resistor A = resistor B.
The Voltage across A is halved when B is added in series with A, but A's resistance stays the same.
Power in Watts of A in original circuit = [(1^2)V]/(R of A)
Power in Watts of A after resistor B is added = [(.5^2)V] /(R of A)
Power ratio = [(.5^2)V]/(R of A)] / [(1^2)V]/(R of A)] = .25/1 = 1/4


Assuming the SIZE of resistors A and B are the SAME in both circuits,
when two of the same size resistors exist instead of only one, the current that flows = I = V/2R, which is one half the original current of the 1st circuit. However, the POWER used by one of these two identical resistors is P = I²R so,
The value of the current (I) has been halved, but that value is SQUARED in the formula for P, so IT (meaning the power used by a resistor in this circuit = (1/2)² = 1/4 <= *

*Notice: If BOTH resistors are taken into account, the TOTAL power used by the 2nd circuit is 1/2 the power of that used by the 1st circuit. :>)


If A and B are equal, circuit current halves, but circuit resistance doubles.
So e.g. if circuit resistance was 100 ohms and supply voltage 100V., (I = E/R) = (100/100) = 1A. current.
The power dissipated by the resistor will be (EI) = 100 x 1 = 100W.

Now double the resistance, = 200 ohms. The current will halve, = 0.5A.
Power dissipated by each = (EI) = (0.5A x 50V) = 25W.
There you are, you are asked for the dissipation only of 1 of the resistors, R1, not the total dissipation.


Hard to say. Do you know anything about the relative values of the 2 resistors? For example if A=B, then the current goes to 1/2 of what it was. And power is given by


P=I²R. If Ra=Rb, then I is reduced to ½ value when Rb is added. So, I is now I(½). Thus P=[I(½)²R(2)]. Each resister has ¼P so total P(Ra+Rb)=½P(Ra).

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