Is it a bad idea to get a Shiba Inu puppy if I already have a cat living in the house?

my cat is male, 1 year old, and /very/ energetic. He's actually a lot more calm around dogs than cats but I'm not sure if the Shiba will be too bold for him..

Crimson Tide2015-11-18T17:57:40Z

Yes. It is a bad idea. Do your research on the Shiba Inu breed.

Belgian Nut2015-11-18T15:25:51Z

A shiba isn't even a breed I'd bring into a house with another dog, let alone a cat. It would be a huge mistake!


I know someone that has a Shiba, a cat, AND a bird. The cat and dog get along fine.


Shibas are known to have a strong chasing instincts so I would be wary
Read up on the breed more and get in touch with other owners who do own Shibas and cats successfully


Dogs are prey animals, cats are prey. Your responsibility to constantly supervise, separate/contain when you can't, immediate correction when caught in the act and if it doesn't work out, re-home the pup.

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