How can i get my life together?! please give helpful advice to get through rough teen years.?
so i am a 16 year old female currently experiencing some hardships in my life. I have some things i have to work on to get my life back together. I'm a "work in progress". But i do have many strengths. I am decently good looking, i do very well in school, i am very thin/fit and athletic. But i just feel like i am not getting the most out of my life. I currently have like one friend, that's it. But she's my best friend. I am currently unemployed, have not gotten my permit yet but i have been vigorously studying for it. I am in no clubs/activities, and i participate in track, but thats not until the spring :( i just feel like i need to start living my life and start doing productive things. I just have a very boring, monotone lifestyle. I go to school, come home, sleep, so forth and so forth. I seriously have no life . I'm a very motivated strong and smart person and believe me, i want to start living SO BAD. But i just don't know what to do? All the kids in my school are really bad and they do drugs/alcohol they just aren't very good kids and they've got nothing going for them. so its out of the question that i start making new friends within my school. but i am not like that. i want to graduate, get into a prestigious four year college, and have an amazing family and live a good healthy happy life. that is all i will ever want. I'm just a teen and i need some advice on how to just get through high school. any advice/stories feel free to share :) tysm <3