I need basic starter model rocket help?

We are attempting to get my nephew a model rocket and the required accessories.

We are not looking to spend a ton of money are really just want something basic and easy to launch.

Online we found ready to fly rockets as well as rockets needing assembly. We were thinking of maybe getting one of each.

Can you tell me specifically what else we need?


There are "All Inclusive" starter kits in "Ready to Fly" form available at virtually any hobby store for less than $50. Level 1 buildable rockets start at @ $10.


Normally a ready to shoot rocket set will be motors, body, parachute, with fins on and painted. Kit may include launch wire/tube. You will need one.
You will also probably need a small 12 volt battery, cord, small alligator clips and button to ignite the starter wire installed in motor. Check out videos from kit makers. https://www.google.com/search?q=DAS+clay&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=ready+to+launch+model+rocket+video