How do I heal from a broken heart even though I m still in a relationship?

My girlfriend in the past kept on saying she wants to go travel to Hong Kong, so on her birthday I suprised her with plane tickets but she flat out rejected me. She s also making a lot of excuses of why she can t go. I feel flat out rejected and I don t feel loved. In the past months i have been feeling that my girlfriend is neglecting our relationship. And whenever I open this to her she gets mad and always treathens to break up with me. And I m so emotionally invested and so invested my life with her that it will really hurt me if I broke up with her. What should I do, we use to have a really good relationship for years now...


The only way to fix this is to act as if you have enough confidence to end the relationship and date a new girl.

You like her WAYYYY more than she likes you. This hurts you because it turns girls off. She no longer has to earn your love, so you appear boring and look weak.

The best thing you can do is take the relationship back to the first month of dating. Take her out on just one date per week and only talk on the phone for 20 minutes between dates. (No texting ever.) Plan fun dates and act like a gentleman.

If she wants to talk more than 20 minutes between dates, tell her you want to save the conversation for the date when you can look in her pretty eyes. Then say goodbye. This is something a confidant man does: He makes her wait until the date for a conversation. This bothers her a bit, but it makes her more excited about the date and she will treat you much better.

Now stop acting like you are not good enough for her. You look weak and she hates it because she loses respect for you. Act as if you just won the lottery and you have 10 million dollars in the bank. Are you going to put up with an angry girl and her threats to break up? Of course not.

Your instinct is to be a nice guy and make your girlfriend happy every day. That doesn't work. It sounds good, but it's not working for the relationship. Only by changing to a confidant attitude will you earn back her respect and her affection.

If she threatens to break up, you immediately get silent and say "I need some time to think about the relationship. I'll call you in a week." And then you disappear for one full week. She will go crazy missing you because you have now made it clear you will not tolerate her bad attitude.


Well let me say im girl not a guy and have been through almost the same hurtful experience but mine was worse because after he was the most affectionate and loving person with me in the world he endes it up by rejecting me in a horrible way and giving me silence treatment. I went into mild depression and I fell sick for months and lost more than 5 kilos in a month. 2 months of horrible trauma where I struggled to get up on my foot.i wanna tell u that I learned to move on and stoo giving the person who didn't appreciate me a good value because they werent wise enough to give this importance to the person they love. Eventhough they couldn't love u they shouldn't have given u hope and implied u in a relashionship where u r the one who will give true love. If its meant to be it will happen if its not then u will truly find someone better somewhere where u didnt expect. Be strong and believe inin life. Despite all the pain and loss u feel without them remember u were raised without them