Do people realize how dangerous those christian websites are?

Christians site have surpassed pornographic sites for passing scareware, malware, worms, or Trojan horses. According to Symantic "religious and ideological sites” are three times more likely to contain malware and viruses.



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It figures. The bible is the earliest example of malware known to man, after all.


"Religious and ideological" is a much broader description than "Christian" is. I'd bet good money ideological sites like Time Cube and Stormfront are crawling with viruses and sh!t.


Christianity itself is a very good way to take advantage of the weak and bilk them out of millions.


I do always get warning on those places. WHY is the question?

Purple Haze2015-12-05T05:47:41Z

That this site does not have all that crap on it as well.

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