Who makes use of straw man arguments more: Hannah J Paul, Hope,Faith,Love, or AngelMusic ?


Favorite Answer

There are a few more who should appear on your list.

≈ nohglf2015-12-16T22:11:41Z

@Jea: Who would you suggest ?

@Jea: You're right I could have added more people to the list. There is a user that is a friend of AngelMusic that goes by the name of "Bill" and he has been giving the same answer to about 5 or 6 questions that did not actually answer the questions. He constantly just writes Proverbs 17:28
"Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his or her tongue.", thinking that his answer is some kind of useful answer to the question. Meanwhile, he just shows himself to be a fool.


Why are you insulting fellow believers publicly? Did you leave?


I dunno. I've notices they could all build scarecrows with plenty of hay for the horses.....