What can I do to make my husband feel better?

We are going through a difficult time financially and emotionally, and I am 5 months pregnant.
He doesn t know how to deal with his emotions, so I see that stress (lack of funds, family problems because of baby, unexpected expenses, and too much to do) turning him into a very negative and somewhat bitter person and I hate seeing him so unhappy.
How can I make him feel better?
We don t have much money right now so obviously I can t buy him anything, and we have regular sex, I have a job and cook/take care of the house, and I try to be supportive and not naggy (I fail at times, but I try!), and I make him treats all the time. These things don t seem to help.
What is something special I can do to make him feel better?


A man with a pregnant wife who is struggling financially is going to feel that he's failed her. You are doing all the right sort of things but I doubt there's anything that's going to make him feel a whole lot better. Don't put any pressure on by wanting expensive stuff for the baby, but don't stress that you are making do and mending. You could quietly get clothes etc. from a thrift, wash them and put them away. Some are in such good condition, he'll never know they aren't new. Make being thrifty fun and always stress that you hate money wastage on things that don't matter. And as I'm sure you're finding, they don't really matter. It's far nicer having a harmonious, happy relationship than a miserable one with lots of stuff you don't really need.

Max Hoopla2015-12-18T15:06:55Z

Try some irregular sex.