R&P: Can you believe CBGB is reopening?

Reopening as a restaurant in Newark Airport? Holy smokes.

What will some of the menu items be?

Example: Rock Lobster


Favorite Answer

sure, why not? eat to the beat. they could even franchise them. one in every tourist town. and sell t-shirts: "Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas"...oops, i mean "CBGB Las Vegas"

anyway, lets see about that menu
there's the burger
wash it down with a koka kola

dive bars are like snowflakes, they exist in unique majesty, but transience is their nature. you can't hold on to them too tightly or what made them good to begin with will only melt away all the faster.
*fights back tears for all the lost dive bars i have known*


Honestly, I can't believe that they're doing that. It basically pisses all over everything that CBGB was about.


The classic definition of 'sell-out'


Its not the same as the original. Its going to be a tourist destination and its going to be a disgrace to the original.