is it true that in the future every body will engage in some type of bisexual activity.?

I know that this is a weird question that im asking but I want to know because every time I look up straight men are tongue kissing each other and having oral sex with each other but they are in relationship with girls and some are married but just do bi things on their own time. so I want to know in the future will every body do some type of bisexual act or will everybody will have already did something bisexual but they are still straight thoe?


No. People engage in bisexual activities left and right and outside their marriages because the sexual mores today are loose. But these things are like a pendulum, Right now, we live in a Sodom and Gomorrah which means that everything goes, but in some hundreds years we'll be back to Victorian conservatism and all the bisexual activity will be deeply hidden away; then we'll go back to S&G, and on again to conservativism, etc. etc. It's just how human society seems to go.


I don't think that the future holds that for mankind. I hope not.
Men who do what you described outside of their marriage are going to hell. Pure and simple. They are not only disrespecting their marriage, but they are sinning. Sorry if you don't like my answer, but it's the truth.


Lgbt lie and say most people experiment sexually. They might but most dont experiment with the same sex. Lgbt like to exxagerate and act like everyone is gay. Lgbt lie and say up to 10% are openly gay and many more are closeted. If there were 10% gay in the world then there would be 265 million gays in just india and china alone and there isnt. Experimenting with the same sex is for gays only and isnt something that you have to see if you are perverted or not.

But hey kinsey the sexuality expert lgbt love to reference said being gay and bi was normal. Just by not a coincidence kinsey also loved to stick toothbrushes up his butt to torture himself and videotape himself ejaculating in the butt hole of some of his male students butt holes. So im sure you can use rhe kinsey scale to rate your perversion.

It just goes to show you that the lgbt lie that you are born with a certain sexuality and cant possibly change is just a big lie. Tell me are you confused about being a girl? Does it make sense to question if you are a girl? No because you are and being what you are genderwise equates to no comfusion. Now if you think you are a male then that is where the confusion comes in and that is where no justification can be found except to ask others that suffer from the same problem to encourage you. Its the same thing with sexuality. If you are confused its because its unnatural to attempt to strap on a penis and pretend to be a male and attempt to satisfy a female in a way only males can. Talk to your parents about your confusion and not lgbt people here that would love for you to experiment to find out what you were born as and cant change. You are confused because of something in your childhood that didnt give you the proper thoughts and feelings. That is why so many people that are gay have been abused or lacked a parental bond. It messes up a childs sexuality feelings when children go through certain experiences. Ellen degeneres rosie odonnel and patricia cornwell all were molested or abused as a child and all are gay. Elton john and nathan lane lacked fathers as chcildren and are gay. What you are confusing is sexuality with a certain bomd you lacked as a child. Sexual attraction is with a male and affection can come from a female. Lgbt will tell you to lie and hide things from your parents. Im telling you to discuss your feelings with your parents. Many lgbt have been disowned by their families so the lgbt have no problem you leaving your family to follow wrong feelings in an attempt to fill an emotional void. Lgbt will tell you that you are gay and cant change. The lgbt attempt to strip your will to change.


No, only the bisexual people will be doing that. The poor monosexuals will have to miss out on all the fun.


Here's hoping.

Seriously, I'd say that more people are already engaging in same gender sexual relations that are admitting to it. We don't need to wait for the future for that to happen.

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