How come when I click on my profile it shows my name as a question mark? ?

I used to be level 5 but ever since my name began to show as a question mark I am now level 1 again.

Can somebody give me help/details on what might be the problem?

Barkley Hound2016-01-03T10:27:07Z

Favorite Answer

There is currently a problem where avatars and nicknames are disappearing. It is not only happening to you. It may be a bug or an indication that they are working on the avatar update process.


It's a glitch that came back this weekend following the conclusion of Double Points Through December (my theory), it changes back and forth between the "?" and nickname and avatar


It's an intermittant glitch that's been happening for the past few days


They let the script kiddies lose again, it's happening to everyone.


its a glitch