Headaches, back pain and a strange occurrence?

Two days ago I woke up and it took me about 1 minute of thinking very hard to remember what happened last evening (no alcohol). I also now have back pain (feels like post exercise type pain in the middle upper back, and a little bit above my left hip. Problem is I have been working out (standard body weight workouts over the last week and do not know if it is that. Should I give it 2 or so days before seeing a doctor in case its just that? Oh and the headaches are very mild very short mostly on my forehead


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Muscles cramps I guess give it a little time if it doesn't improve then see a doctor


It very well could be your spine is out of alignment. Doesn't hurt to check it out, go see a Chiropractor. They are the experts in bones, muscles and nerves. What you are describing sounds like small issues in the spine, especially since you have no idea how or why you feel this way. A Chiropractor sounds scary but honestly there are so many different methods out there and so many gentle therapies it's worth a try to feel better. A medical doctor will prescribe you medication that will help with your symptoms but won't get rid of the problem. My suggestion is to find a chiropractor that uses 'activator method' it's really less invasive and gentle.