Why is she curious of my tinder?

Tinder is a hookup app for those of who don't know, but this female college student "friend" of mine asked me if I had a tinder right after she says she was going to bed, I asked her why, and she said she was wondering if I was "looking" and that she's never seen me on it. She's invited me to her place past midnight to smoke weed once, but I didn't allow myself to get close or anything, I think she wants to hook up or something.


I was once in a similar scenario and because I was lacking in confidence I never made a move. Years later I asked her about it and she said that she had come over to "hookup" and was really surprised when I didn't try and kiss her.

If you like her, she's definitely in to you, although don't expect anything too serious if she spends so much time on tinder!


"I think she wants to hook up or something."
You're a smart one, aren't you?


she is fooling u can u see that? can u understand that?