Jim V
Favorite Answer
Yes - no
There is a reason there are two Testaments AND (at least) two Covenants.
If Christians aspired to follow the Law of the OT, then there would be no need for a NT.
The OT has laws pertaining to the Priesthood, ceremonial cleanliness, and the Theocracy of Israel that do not pertain to us today. We are not part of the people of Israel living in that system.
What does carry forward are God's design and instruction for people as a whole - basic morality.
Christ fulfilled the Laws. In doing so he moved us from legalism to relationship. The OT was a system in which righteousness was a process of 'doing'. The New Covenant in Christ is about /being/. We ARE redeemed in Christ; we are to live as a redeemed being. In doing so we fulfill the Laws.
the Old testament law is for Jewish People. When Jesus came into the world, lived His sinless life and defeated death on the cross by rising again, the old covenant was replaced according to God's purpose. We are bound by the new covenant. The Old Testament has the 10 commandments and other laws that still make sense and are in the new covenant age, guidelines as opposed to hard law.
just ice
Christians who reject the word of God in the Old Testament and just adhere to the New Testament have rejected Jesus, because he ONLY observed the word of God in the Old Testament and urged his followers to do the same warning them not to consider even the least of it as insignificant otherwise they will be considered insignificant in the hereafter. As for the New Testament, he NEVER heard of it because it was put together centuries after his mission.
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They just believe in the new testament, they completely ignore the old. Plus they don't even follow the new testament anyways or else we would all be dead
It depends what part of the Old Testament you are referring to. The Old Testament contains the old covenant, which does not apply to Christians. However, there is more to the Old Testament than the old covenant.