What specific, authoritative reason is there for reading the Bible literally -- as opposed to reading it in symbolic and metaphorical forms?

There are countless examples of textual contradictions and confusions. Now one could claim that these can be reconciled, but if the book is to be read literally, you would hardly expect such confusing, frustrating instances. And yet, the Bible is full of them.
I was asking Oleg to explain this to me, and he was unable to do so at the time, and so blocked me, which is his prerogative. If there is a clear reason for only reading the Bible literally, surely you can articulate this in simple terms! And Oleg, if you have the courage, here's an opportunity to redeem yourself.


I do wish someone on this board had enough grey matter to discuss this. As it stands, the single response I've seen is not one I can support at all.


In truth, much of the Bible was meant to be symbolic or metaphorical, including the End Times.

james o2016-01-24T23:41:32Z

I've been studying scripture for a pretty long time, and the more I read, the more clear it is that the text isn't literally true a lot of the time, yet it still has a lot to say.

If you take it literally, there's a whole lot that you miss.


It seems to me that you are straying from the narrow path and the
straight Way.What is literal is made clear through the H.S.,
otherwise,the context is hidden and must be studied and given
Only to the wise. Most people think that they simply read the bible,
even though Jesus spoke in parables to the multitude. Why do you
think there are denominations reactionaries at the best?


Oleg cannot tell you because he doesn't know. Have you asked your minister? Are you satisfied with his answer?

The bible tells you clearly, that unless you are reading it in order to learn about God so you can have a good relationship with Him, you will NEVER understand it.

The bible itself tells you when it is literal and when it is metaphorical.

So where do we go from here? Do you have any more questions?

Jehovah's witness.