In the Gospel of Mark, (14:51-52) Jesus is being followed by a young naked man? But he ran away, naked.?

Not interested in WHO he was but WHY Jesus would be with an almost naked young man? WHY?


In the Gospel of Mark, (14:51-52) Jesus is being followed by a young naked man? Not interested in WHO he was but WHY Jesus would be with an almost naked young man? WHY?

Well....what do two people alone together in a public park after dark usually do that involves moaning and groaning and nakedness??


Mark may have been the “certain young man” who followed Jesus at a distance after he was arrested. (Mr 14:51, 52)

When Jesus was arrested all the apostles fled out of fear. This is possibly why Mark was naked - he was trying to get away and maybe they caught him at a bad time.


It is thought that the young man may have been young Mark, since that is the only Gospel that has that incident. It is thought that whomever the young man was, he was a young man who was interested in Jesus, but too young to be considered a disciple, so sneaked out of the house in his bedclothes to follow Jesus and the twelve to Gethsemane. He was close enough to be seen by the Romans, who was trying to round them all up, and he ran, just like the others. He was only naked after the Roman soldier caught his clothing and he disrobed rather than be caught.


Nope. The Secret Gospel Mark, a hoax by an anti-social biblical professor alludes to the sacrament of bridal chamber. Canonical Mark has the guards arresting Jesus grab sheets worn by a disciple he slips out of themand runs away.

Dont recall maybe both are in the hoax. Bart Ehrman the former evangelical turned skeptic even says was it is a hoax. People quote him when he says spectacular things, but not expected things, eh.

Keep leaning.

Dennis Sagt2016-01-29T09:57:00Z

I know little of the dress of that milieu. The man wasn't naked when he was following Jesus. He had his clothes ripped off during his escape. This happened at night and maybe the man was dressed for sleep -- not dressed too amply.

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