It is possible for a house(s) to have no postal service at all?
We are buying a house (a quadraplex to be spicific) in very small city in NY. The realtor just told me that we need to rent a PO box as the mail is not deliver to us... This house is only 3 streets down from the post office too.. it has no mailboxes but some apartments a bit further from the city center do.. I have just never heard of a house not having any postal service at all. I will call them later but it will be bugging me so I figured I will ask here while I wait.
I moved to a small town in Texas. We had no postal service either and that means you have no address. I did rent the needed postal box and then tried to get a route set up for mail delivery. It was difficult because this is a very poor area with few educated people. It seems going to the post office every day or so was a social thing and everyone was afraid of getting their mail stolen. I tried get your advertisments at home and special checks and things at the post office ... and it worked and I figured as soon as they got used to just walking out to the mail box they would like mail service a lot more. It was a continuing hassle with the po service and now twenty years later the mailman delivers mail when he feels like it and some I'm pretty sure he just throws away. Welcome to small town America. I also got no heat or a/c and here it is very hot. But I got it all worked out and buying a house in a small town was more than reasonable even with all the work it needed. I was able to afford to live on a resaca, an old Rio Grande oxbow lake. It brings in critters of all sizes and I just love it...except for the year the beavers came and ate all my small trees I planted by the water and then they were gone and I replanted better trees. My friend moved to a small town in Illinois and loved it. She would do early morning walks and got to know all the store owners and just people on the street. Here people drive so bad you never see anyone walking...but then it is very hot here and a/c is a good thing and no winter heating bills. Good luck with your house. Be sure to drive around after dark and look for needed amenities close to your house. It used to be so dark here I could watch meteor showers in my back yard but more people have come and put in those big lights I am tempted to shoot out...this is Texas...but now I have to drive way out to watch the showers adn without the safety of my back yard. In the country there were huge amounts of coyotes which I understand New York also have. My sister and I were surrounded by so much yipping we decided we were too outnumbered and left. And then later, while volunteering for a nature reserve, I find out we have four confirmed cougars here and sitting out in the dark is just not a good thing. I am a big city girl and this isnt a friendly place but I am 45 minutes from the beach. Good luck to you. I so need some coffee.
Google "Sunset Beach, California" It's was an unincorporated of Orange County, CA until 2011 when the county "made" Huntington Beach annex the area. It's located on the northern end of Huntington next to Seal Beach. It's where Sandra Bullock and Jesse James lived while married.
This area does not get postal service. One of the big things the community worried about when the area was being transferred to Huntington is that they did NOT want postal service. They like the same town community feel of seeing friends/neighbors at their little post office.
The simple fact is that postal service is declining in most places (they simply don't deliver mail in the Netherlands on mondays, in Germany they'll soon no longer empty mailboxes on sunday). The US Postal service is running at a deficit and it simply makes no sense for them to deliver mail to some places ... though the way they decide WHICH places they do / don't deliver really doesn't make all that much sense to be honest.
I know they insist ther than a certain distance from the road put up a roadside mailbox, for a few they even insist on a cluster of mailboxes a ways down the street.
Honestly, a PO box is very much preferrable to either a roadside mailbox or a 'cluster' box; firstly because of vandalism, second, a burglar who sees your (roadside) mailbox is filling up knows you aren't at home .....
Yes, it is possible and is actually quite common. I love near a small village in Wisconsin. While we have curbside delivery, residents of the village do not. They each have a PO box and go to the post office to get their mail. And this is not a recent change. It's been that way for DECADES. The elderly and infirm usually have an arrangement with a neighbor to pick up mail.