I'm offended by the obsession with political correctness. Anonymous or not, What is your most sincere and "offensive" belief?


Everywhere that Islam spreads it brings with it poverty, oppression, bigotry, violence, hatred, rape, and murder. Every place that is dominated by Muslims is a third world shithole. The claims that Islam created all medicine is laughable, China has done far more to advance civilization than Islam ever has and continues to do so today. The United States has advanced civilization more in fifty years than Islam has in 1400. But I'm sure they'll undoubtedly ignore this.

Also people nowadays are so fukking sensitive, we don't have good cartoons anymore.
Batman: "Merry Christmas!!"
An american: *GAAAASSSP, proceeds to sue*
(just ranting)

Also, I don't mind transexuals, but I think most of them just do it cause they're bored.


PC is a right-wing construct, intended to convince people that saying things offensive to the left will be automatically attacked, while there is no parallel on the right. The absurdity is obvious.

If I say I'm a socialist, the right will attack me with just as much ferocity as the left would if I said I was a Nazi.

Both sides attack speech they say is abhorrent, while claiming the moral high ground. It's all BS. If you don't agree with the other guy, just say so and give a factual, reasoned, and logical reason why. To hell with the name calling.


White people are the SUPERIOR RACE. If you don't believe me look at the western world now compare it to Africa, Middle East and Asia. We are the most socially and economically developed. We were the first to put man on the moon, first to split the atom. We dominate in the fields of science and medicine. The Africans would have you believe differently because hurrdy hurr Usain Bolt dun 100m in 9 seconds he blak man


That there are differences in the races that environment doesn't explain away.
I never use the anonymous feature.


I hate people who use the carpool lane when they're not carpooling. There, I said it.

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