I want to write a novel...titled Hardy (please read)?
It's about a boy (Hardy) and his fellow Utopian peers. Everybody looks the same, everybody acts the same. Except Hardy. When the world turned (some unexplained catastrophic event), this group was placed into an underground vault in which they cannot leave. Everything is controlled. The residents believe in no religion, only their set of rules (the reader will never know the exact rules) placed before them called the "Equilibrium". Hardy is different, he looks slightly different, and acts slightly different than the rest of the residents in the Vault. Being confined in the vault eventually takes its toll on Hardy, and he escapes the vault; a feat never achieved by a resident since the world turned. What he finds is unspeakable, a population riddled by nature...
whatcha think!
There's a biological back-theme to this. Let me know if you get it!