Is there effective treatment for cancer?


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There are many effective treatments.

But first you have to know that there is not one cancer. There are over 200 individual diseases that collectively are called cancer and share certain characteristics and traits. But even the same organ can have different cancers; there are multiple sub types of breast cancer that all have different causes and treatments.

In general, cancer is not as deadly as it was. It is much more treatable, and where it can not be treated, it may be controlled for longer periods of time. Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation have all gotten better over the years, as has detection. Targeted drugs that attack the cancers in novel ways are also on the market. This is the best time in history to be a cancer patient, but it still sucks.

Ackiller J2016-02-04T08:25:47Z

It depends on what types of cancer.


I've survived twice, two different cancers.

Adam Martin2016-02-04T08:29:28Z

Amputation of the cancerous cells


yes, for most. that is why the death rate due to cancer is not 100 percent.

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