30 weeks pregnant waking up wet?

I'm 30 weeks and the past 2 days I've been waking up at night with a lot of wetness between my legs it doesn't smell like pre. So I'm a bit confused could I be leaking fluid or maybe sweat? I never sweat so I'm a bit confused I go see my doc Tuesday so should I be worried or its normal sometimes

Baby V2016-02-04T19:01:34Z

Usually if it's your water then it'll be a continuous leak. If you're soaking through more than a pad an hour then it's your water. If not more likely it's either sweat, discharge, or pee. Whether it smells like pee or not. Sometimes it doesn't need to have an odor.

Jackie M2016-02-04T14:52:50Z

Waters leaking, speak to hospital, good Luck