Is the "any day now" return of Jesus just an example of an older doomsday hoax, similar to "Nibiru" or "Planet X"?

Dogstar Ascendant2016-02-08T08:41:30Z

When Jesus and Elvis leave their home on Nibiru and return on their spacecraft riding on a comet we'll realise that all of the doomsday prophecies were correct. Except for the Mayan calendar, of course, that was just nonsense.


Religion is about the emotional rejection of the difficulties of real life. a way to pretend reality is not real, and that they don't have to die.
It is a way to keep the flock too emotional and frightened to think clearly.
Nobody thinking clearly could ever sign on to that.


Yeah, pretty much.


No, It is going to happen any day now !!!


no, they are both true