Is it possible for a 67 year old male like me to stay alone ? wife died recently, no issue.?


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my father stays alone. not because he wants to but because he can not find anyone - he doesn't know where and how and also he wants smth young and gorgeous but he does not have resources for that. so yes, this is possible. why did u ask - too many women are chasing after u? also when he got sick and then got pneumonia as a complication and had to go to a hospital - that was not nice. i live very far, so couldn't help him with anything. but he survived


If there is no issue with being alone for you, then yes. Enjoy your solitude if that is what you want. Give yourself time to grieve. There is an adjustment period. When you are ready, join clubs, play cards, travel, meet new people. I wouldn't totally isolate myself.

I am widowed myself, but I have no problem living alone.


Sure. Eventually you will need probably help (like basically everyone) but that could be years from now and you'd likely still need help even if your wife was there. Sorry for your loss.


Yes! You can stay alone and find new woman to love.


67 is far from old and being an invalid - you should easily have 5-10 good years ahead of you

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