What happen to the abc tv show Nashville do you know when or if it will ever come back on. Thanks for help and info.?


Favorite Answer

It's on Mid Season break. It returns March 16th
Sadly this looks like it will be the last season so enjoy it while you can. Since Paul Lee has left as ABC President + ratings have been terrible this season. I wouldn't think it will be back next Season
ABC has been in alot of trouble for a while so expect alot of the low rating shows to end this season.
And this is coming from someone who also loves Nashville but i know the writing on the wall.


It hasn't been announced yet rather it will be renewed or cancelled. There's a status on the various shows here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ihyfrtoZVZ8T9tPVF3owKIO8EqZcKadtn1wA9r1YykE/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=415200993 . Nashville's ratings have dropped this season leading to speculation that it's on the bubble.


Like most shows it wwent on winter hiatus. It's scheduled to return March 16th.


Its on mid season hiatus. However they have not posted a date to run the rest of the season yet. Not sure what they are waiting on. Their website just lists To Be Announced for the return date. Sorry, that's all I know.

