Are oaktrees which have been pushed down by storm liable to survive and grow on with their upright branches as new trunks?

In our surroundings are several oaks pushed down by the last heavy storm.
Now it would be a pity to cut them away, because oaks are rare and precious trees,
and letting them grow on in a natural way would be a real win for our landscape.
What do you think?


Favorite Answer

If the tree trunk is broken off, no, the tree won't recover.


If the tree has been uprooted, it is going to die. I'm not a dendrologist but, if it was uprooted, it was probably not doing well anyway.

"...because oaks are rare and precious trees..." There are lots of species of oaks. Few are rare. Fewer still are endangered or anything.

"... grow on in a natural way would be a real win for our landscape." To each his own but, a fallen tree in a yard is usually considered an eye sore. It might even violate some local code.