Can someone give me some sound advice?
I am currently enrolled to become a teacher (TEXAS). I will finish up my sophomore year this sememster. To move onto the next semester they are requiring me to pass an entrance exam, I did not pass. I made a 61 when a 65 was required to enter the program. I have a meeting with my advisor next week to determine if I can continue on with the program. So....I sit here all worried about it. I don't want the last 2 years of coursework to go to waste if they do not let me in. What can I do? I was thinking about maybe majoring in Human Growth and Development so most of my classes count. Help! I am in my mid-30's so I don't want to be in school forever. Can I get my alternative teacher's certification if I go this route and still be a teacher?
Also, I am so down on myself. I have managed to pull a 4.0 but I didn't pass this one it all might mean nothing! Then, I have 3 more state tests to pass once I am in the program. If I can't pass a practice, how am I going to pass the real deal? Feeling depressed!