Favorite Answer
Take a shower before going in.
Eat at least 1-2 hours before going in.
Take a soda or juice with you.
Watch. You will find the process of your tattoo coming to life lessons the pain.
The pain is roughly that of sharp needles poking into a mild sunburn.
Oooo chest tattoo for your first, brave soul lol.
Not gonna lie but chest (or torso) is considered the more painful area for tattoos cause how little flesh there is
Advice is
eat a good meal an hour or so before it.
Chances are you may feel faint so take in sugar drink or chocolate to help combat this.
If you need a break - let the artist know!
I usually find it helps to watch it being done but this may prove difficult so hope your chatty (if no, listen to your music)
No pain killers or alcohol before it
be relaxed and eat a small meal before you go