Why are our two worst candidates getting the most votes?

Why are both Trump and Hillary leading in the primaries? Can't we get just one decent candidate in November?


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They know how to tell their target audiences what they want to hear, and that method works for vote-getting.

Whoever wins, when the time comes for doing the non-fulfillment will be blamed on villains of the opposing party.
Trump has enough extreme stuff, that he will probably be accusing Republicans of being traitors, too.


Hillary isn't a bad candidate. Don't believe the vast right wing conspiracy regarding her emails and the false Benghazi stories. Hillary never sent any classified information on an unsecured server during her time as Secretary Of State. Hillary never told anyone to "stand down" during the Benghazi attack. Hillary never told the Benghazi victims families that the attack was because of an anti-muslim video, it's the victims families that are lying.


Bernie is catching up.


They aren't. Teddy is in third place.