Snapchat video difficulties?
About 36 hours ago I posted a video onto my story. Roughly ten minutes later I went to see who watched it and it showed how many people watched it, but it wouldn't let me see who or let me delete it. Also, I can hardly watch other people's stories. It will show they posted, but when I tap on it, it just "watches" the snap but doesn't even show up on the screen. I don't see the story. A couple hours ago I tried sending a video to a friend and my story and snapchat just totally crashed. Usually if my snapchat has a problem it fixes itself within 24 hours but it hasn't this time. For the past two weeks, if I lock my iPhone 5c with snapchat open, when I go to unlock my phone it will crash and send me to home screen. That wasn't annoying but now that I can't watch others stories or post my own I should try to fix it. Would deleting the app and then reinstalling it help? What else could? The only thing I have really "tried" was turning my phone off and back on.