My teachers play favorites! Help?

So there are these four kids in my grade that are genuinely awful. They're rich, pretty and a sort of plastic nice, like they're only being polite to you because they have to. They get chosen for everything, even when I know that I'm more capable or someone else is. Recently, they were put in charge of a position I was really excited about, and also got asked to present to the parents about our school. We also had a contest about Memorial Day essays and I'm a really good writer, but I think they're going to win again. How do I stop myself from feeling crushed if I lose, without seeming bitter?


Favorite Answer

If you truly feel your teacher is playing favorites with some of your classmates, speak directly to him/her and share your observations. If necessary, speak with the Student Administration department (or equivalent) at your school and/or your parents. Your frustration is understandable but given you cannot change or control other people, you need to decide where you want to put your focus moving forward. Regardless of the outcome with the Memorial Day essay, believe in yourself and the work you do.


Throw doodie cakes at them.


Just resolve to be better than they are. Crush them academically.

Pearl L2016-03-06T16:44:05Z

talk to the principal about it, maybe he can talk some sense into her