A question for christians?

There are many gods, none of whom have presented any way that you could know which was correct. I wonder though, if the truth might not be there, if you only chose to see it.

Of the many religions, christianity is the only one that teaches that you may disobey commandments given by god. As an example, you eat bacon.

Isn't it possible that the fact that men have told you that you may disobey commands from god provides a hint?


It's sad that all any christian has is denial. That is not much to base a religion on.


You can find the graves of the creators of these false gods and of these religions, and you can find what's left of their rotting corpses still inside. But Jesus rose from the dead. This is how we know that faith in him is correct. When he walked among us he backed his claims up by healing the sick and raising the dead, and he taught that he was the only way ~ which invalidates every belief system in the world.

The problem with your thinking is that you insist upon relegating The Bible to being nothing more than a work of fiction created by men. Christians don't see it that way. We see it as being penned by men who wrote under the divine inspiration of God. You see an ancient book that you believe to be irrelevant. We see it as being alive and active. It is God's Word, and such it has the authority to be the sole rule of our faith.

The reason why we eat bacon is because God made it clear that the followers of Christ are not under the old Levitical laws. He also gave Peter a vision in which he told him that nothing is considered to be common or unclean anymore.

Aside from that, simple reading comprehension should be enough for anyone to distinguish between the Old and New Covenants. It should be enough for anyone to see what was specifically commanded of the Jews, and how that was fulfilled in Christ. Anyone with a basic understanding of the English language can read for themselves and see that Christians are not cherry picking The Bible or disobeying commandments because some guy told us to.


Jewish people were commanded by God not to eat pork.
That was a few thousand years before Christianity got started.
When Christianity got started, the only dietary instruction to them was recorded in Acts ch 15. Let me quote it:

"It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you [Gentiles] with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things." (verse 28 & 29)

This requirement was to prevent Gentile Christians from stumbling Jewish people. They never ate any meat where the blood of the animal had not been poured out on to the ground (by slitting its throat and hanging it up to drain). Gentile Christians were asked to respect that dietary law. This enabled the new Christian church to have both Jews and Gentiles fellowshipping in harmony.

A little earlier, the apostle Peter was given a vision of a sheet coming down from Heaven full of 'unclean' animals, reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.' Peter was aghast (being a Jew) but he was told 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.' This happened three times. It was to prepare Peter to then go into the house of a Gentile, to convert him and his family to Christ. Read Acts 10, the whole chapter, for therein lies the simple answer.


The laws of Moses were given to the Israelites, no Christians at that time. When Jesus died, the Apostles started preaching the new Covenant to the Gentiles. This became the first Christianity movement. The Gentiles were not bound by the laws that were given in Leviticus....Jesus himself said that he came to fulfil the laws. Also, in Acts 9 God himself repealed the law about unclean animals and said that they were now cleansed and we could eat anything we wanted.


How is it you feel qualified to criticize things you have no knowledge or understanding about?

The prohibition against eating pork (bacon) is located within the confines of a covenant law, the legal parties being God and the Hebrews of old, and no one else. Yet you claim this commandment is broken by Christians, who are not a legal party to that covenant law.

There is a simple way to determine which God is the true God. He is the One who created all things. The false gods are of the creation.

But then, you might just choose not to see it.

Dave D2016-03-10T06:45:23Z

The fact that Jesus Himself disobeyed some "laws" of the OT such as working on the Sabbath, not stoning the adulterer, telling Peter to eat "unclean" foods, etc. is a clear indication that laws which called themselves as "God-given" in the OT are merely laws of that ancient society and are in fact NOT God-given.

In as far as your initial observation about there being many gods, this is incorrect. Certainly people BELIEVED that there were many Gods, the early Jews among them. At first the Jews saw their God as the "most high" of all the gods. But over time this view changed and they began to see that there could be only one God. Even many of the Greeks in the time of Christ had come to believe that Zeus was the only God. This is a evolutionary progress from primitive notions to a far more sophisticated one. Today almost all of the God-centered religions refer to God as the "Supreme Being", even Hinduism. There can be one and only one Being who is "supreme", and that is what all of these religions teach.

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