Nicknames or stage names can be tricky to come up with.
Did anybody call u something cool or give you a nickname. Or combine what u like to do and make it in a name. Is your first name cool, do u want something really creative or something bland and probably already taken by someone else. Is your middle name cool. Example: Dorian Reynolds. D.Rey . Ask yourself these questions and just brainstorm and think of what you want people to call your or remember you by.
Lil Big
Little Larges
Lil Yahoo
Big Asker
1. T-suffering
2. DJ wagsta
3. Crib death
4. Iron mane
5. Dee money
It really is up to you. combine something you like and your name, or you can start out by looking at some words that sound good and maybe put them together. hope I helped man.
Mc (your middle name)