What if You Could Have One Moment in the Past?

What if you could be transported back into the past with the proviso that you had only one minute--that's right, literally one minute--to relive that moment; which one would you choose?
Here's my moment: I am 17 years old, back in my beloved room in my family's apartment, reading a Marvel comic book, perhaps "The Amazing Spider Man" or "The Fantastic Four," and my mother calls out to me to go to the store to pick up some groceries or head to the local Ma Bell office to pay the phone bill. Just as I am preparing to go, my minute ends and I am thrust back into the present. My stay had to be short; if I'd remained a second longer, I may not want to return and that would alter the entire course of my life...

The object of my moment's transportation was to once again hear my mother's voice. What would be the object in your being transported into the past for just one minute?


Favorite Answer

I'd go back to this exact moment when I was 11 years old. Playing video games with my brother were laughing then my mom came home we run down stairs to go see her like always... but then the minute ended. Tears stream from my eyes as I realized my brother passed away. I am 18 now though still missing him. I was only 11 when he passed he was just 14. Memories are so powerful.




I would have said I DON"T